Resource Work Calendar

Resource Work Calendar

Not all resources have the same working hours. This is especially true for consultants and contractors who work only a few hours a day or even just a few days a week. When resources work different hours, accurate scheduling becomes very important in project planning. Celoxis allows you to specify different work times for resources and these working hours in the selected time zones are used while scheduling tasks assigned to them. Let's take an example. Consider the following working hours. The first row is the default working hours of the company where Joe works while the next depicts Joe's working hours:

Working HoursMonTueWedThuFriSatSun

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM

Joe8 AM - 1 PMNA2 PM - 5 PMNA

8 AM - 1 PM

2 PM - 5 PM


Let us assume that a task of 1 day duration is assigned to Joe, which starts from Monday. Usually, the task should complete end of the day, Monday. However, since Joe's working hours are not the usual 8 hours a day from Monday to Friday; Celoxis schedules the task to complete on Wednesday at 5 PM. This is because, in order to complete the day's task, which is of 8 hours, Celoxis considers 5 hours of Monday and 3 hours of Wednesday.

Default Work Calendar

Celoxis provides a default calendar to every organization. The default work calendar in Celoxis represents the default work timings in an organization.
In Celoxis, the default work calendar is set from 8 AM to 1 PM and from 2 PM to 5 PM. However, Celoxis also allows you to set your working hours as per your own requirement. While setting your work calendar, you can select the working days in a week. You can set the time when your work day starts and ends. You can also decide the first working day of the week as per your own requirement. You can pick a timezone for your default work calendar. If you have not assigned any resource on a task in a project, then Celoxis calculates the schedule as per its own default working calendar.

The default calendar cannot be deleted and its name cannot be changed.

To view or modify the default calendar
  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Project Management section, click on Work Calendars.
  3. In the new pop-up window, you will see a list of the calendars. Choose Default from the list of calendars.
  4. Change the work timings, and click Save. Your work calendar is saved.
To set different work calendars for resources working in different time zones and timings 
  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Project Management section, click on Work Calendars.
  3. Click on Add.
  4. Enter a name for this Work Calendar, pick a Time Zone and set the Work Timings for the same.
  5. Click Save. Your new work calendar is saved.

You can assign the calendar to a user when adding/editing a user.

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