

Gantt in Celoxis provides a graphical overview of the project schedule. This is useful for the Project Manager to schedule his projects and keep track of them. The different features like the Export, Baseline, etc. help him with preparing and driving the project plan more efficiently. The Interactive Gantt chart can be used in 2 ways:

  1. The Grid view: With this view, you can create/update your project plan in a worksheet format. 
    1. The individual columns on the Gantt allow you to enter/modify the data of the task.

    2. You can add multiple columns to this for viewing/modifying the data.
  2. The Gantt view: This view provides a more graphical representation of your project plan. With this view, you can
    1. Simply drag and drop or stretch task bars to change start and Finish dates,
    2.  Create/Delete dependencies,
    3. Enter Progress Updates,
    4. Open the 'Edit' task window, by double clicking on the task bars.

You can drag-drop the slider left-right to only see a particular view for your projects.

Configuring the Interactive Gantt

The first time you access the Interactive Gantt of a project, you are presented with the below options to be configured. This is then remembered per person across all projects in Celoxis as a user preference. You can change this setting from the icon available on the right of the Interactive Gantt.

  • Default new tasks to "Manually Scheduled"
    Whenever a new task is created in Celoxis, the scheduling mode i.e., Auto-scheduled or Manually scheduled is dependent on this selection. For more on scheduling modes, refer here.

    Default columns
    The default columns that are visible on the Gantt are dependent on this selection.
    1. For Auto Scheduled tasks: Name, Start, Finish, Duration, Predecessors, Resources.

    2. For Manually Scheduled tasks: Name, Start, Finish, Resources.

  • Automatically save my changes
    This option if checked will automatically save the changes made to the project immediately; no need to click any button to save your changes. However, if you want to make multiple edits to your project plan and then confirm them, then you should leave this option unchecked. The impacts of the changes are computed after you hit the save button. Following are the actions impacted by Manual Save:
    • The incorrect dependency errors will be shown only when you click on Save.
      For e.g. You set cyclic dependency between tasks, then the error will be displayed only when you hit Save.

    • The constraint conflict due to dependency will be shown only when you click on Save.
      For e.g. when you set dependency between tasks and also add a constraint to a predecessor task whose date is early than the dependency dates, then the constraint violation error is shown only when you click on Save.

    • Navigating to other reports or options when you have unsaved changes on Interactive Gantt will show you a message that you have unsaved changes. Saving the changes or discarding them will then allow you to navigate to other options.

    • When you perform bulk actions such as Assign/Replace resource from Gantt menus, Update task progress from Gantt menus, add multiple tasks, etc these changes will be automatically saved.

    • Changes made from the "Gantt" and single edit screen are automatically saved.

    • When you try to perform any of the operations mentioned in c, d, e and you have unsaved changes on your Gantt, then you are prompted to saves those changes first before you proceed with those actions.

  • Show project/task name on the bar
    This option if checked, will show the project/task name of the Gantt part (right-part).
  • Show resources on the bar
    This option if checked, will show the resource name of the Gantt part (right-part).

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