Editing a Task

Editing a Task

To edit a single task:

  1. Click on the task you wish to edit from the Views > Tasks menu or any report. In the new slide panel click on Edit.
    Go to the Gantt view for your project. Right click on a task and select Edit. Alternatively, you can press the shortcut key 'e' on the task from the Interactive Gantt.
  2. The information is divided into 5 tabs : Basic, Advanced, Custom Fields, Details.
    1. The Basic tab shows attributes like: Name, Start, Finish, Duration, Predecessor, Resources.
      Additionally, there is a checkbox 'Manually Scheduled' which when checked will show up fields like: Work, Schedule Type, Constraint Type, Constraint Date. 
    2. The Advanced tab shows attributes like : % Complete, Priority, Start(Actual), Finish(Actual), the 'Allow Time?' checkbox and the financial columns like: Budget, Cost (Est, Material), Cost (Fixed).
    3. The Predecessors tab is where you can specify dependencies of the task.
    4. The Custom Fields tab displays all the custom fields attached to a task. You can view/edit values from this tab; per task.
    5. The Details tab allows you to enter/edit the description text for a task. 

For information on tasks attributes, click here

  • Certain attributes for summary tasks cannot be edited (start/end dates, duration, schedule type, effort, constraints and financials)
  • Summary tasks will always be auto-scheduled.

To edit multiple tasks:

You can edit the following attributes of tasks in bulk:

  • Schedule Type
  • Priority
  • Billing Type
  • Custom fields attached to Tasks.

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