Add Task from Gantt

Add Task from Gantt

From Interactive Gantt: 

  1. Go to your project and then click on Gantt
  2. From the Gantt menu bar, Click on the Add option and then click on Task
  3. This will add a new task in your project plan. 
  4. Enter your task details and click Save.

You can also add sub-tasks, Milestones, Predecessor, Successor, etc. from the right-click option of a task.

Add Multiple Tasks:
At times when creating your WBS, it is more convenient to add multiple tasks in one go. With this option, you can easily create your WBS with task names or go with adding other details such as resources, dates or duration at the same time. To do this,

  1. Go to the Interactive Gantt view of the project.
  2. Click on the Add > Multiple
  3. This opens a popup where you can enter task name, resources, Start/Finish dates, etc. and click Submit
Some rules to remember:
  1. If Both Start and Finish dates are specified, then the task created is manually scheduled.

  2. If Duration is specified, then the task created is auto-scheduled.

  3. If the system cannot determine the schedule mode from what the user has entered, it will use the user’s preferences to create the task. 

    StartFinishDurationSystem Behavior
    UnspecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUser preference for scheduling mode and Duration = 1d
    UnspecifiedUnspecifiedSpecifiedAuto scheduled task with Start date = Project’s start and Finish calculated from duration.
    UnspecifiedSpecifiedUnspecifiedUse user's preference value.
    If Auto schedule task, then add FNLT constraint and set Duration = 1d.
    If Manual, then no constraint and calculate Start = Finish - 1
    UnspecifiedSpecifiedSpecifiedAuto scheduled task with FNLT constraint. Will calculate Start = Finish - Duration
    SpecifiedUnspecifiedUnspecifiedUse user's preference value. If Auto scheduled task then add SNET constraint and assume D = 1d. If Manual, then no constraint and calculate Finish = Start + 1
    SpecifiedUnspecifiedSpecifiedAuto scheduled task with SNET constraint and calculate Finish = Start + D
    SpecifiedSpecifiedUnspecifiedManually scheduled task
    SpecifiedSpecifiedSpecifiedIf the User preference is manual mode, then ignore duration, else ignore Finish date.

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