Creating Tasks via Email

Creating Tasks via Email

Even if your project plan is finalized, there may be a scenario, where you may need to create new tasks which were not planned during the planning phase. This gets challenging when you are traveling and you do no have the access to the application. Therefore, Celoxis provides you with the functionality of Creating Tasks via Email which is immensely helpful in such situations. The person who has the ‘New Task’ privilege can only create the tasks.

How does Creating Tasks via Email works?

If you want to create tasks via email, you can send the mail to a special email address (also known as the postman address). The sender of the email is the creator of the task. When you create tasks via email,

  1. Tasks is assigned 100% to all recipients of the email.
  2. All attachments are added to the task documents.
ProjectName of the project where the new task should be created.
StartStart date of the new task
FinishFinish date of the new task
ParentName of the parent task under which the new task should be created. The new task will be created last in the hierarchy.
If there are multiple tasks with the same name then, the new task will be created under the first parent task found. 
PriorityPriority of the task
DurationCan be specified in d (days), h(hours), m(minutes)
%Complete% Complete of the new task

To create tasks via email:

  1. In the To box, type the special email address.
  2. The assignee(s) of the task, if any, should be mentioned in To box.
  3. In the Subject box, type the name of the task. The subject also indicates the project. Additional information such as start date, finish date etc. can be passed as indicated.
    The subject line of the email should be in the following format:

        Task Name[Project:ProjectName][Parent:Name of the parent task][Start:date][Finish:date]
        For example: Sign Contract[Project:Construction][Parent:Client Interaction][Start:11-12-2012][Finish:11-13-2012]

  4. In the Body of the mail, type the task details.
  5. In the Attachments column, attach a file against the task.
  6. Click Send.

To find postman address, click on Administration. Under Project Management section, the email address is mentioned under Task Inbox.

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