Assigning, Reassigning, Replacing Resources on tasks
Assigning, Reassigning, Replacing Resources on tasks
To assign resources on single task:
- Go to your Project and to the Interactive Gantt view.
- Click on the Resources column for a task.
- In the new pop-up, you can search for the resources by typing in the search bar or scroll down the list.
- After you locate the resource, enter the Units (% or Hr) against the person to allocate on the selected task.
- Click on Ok. The selected resource(s) are assigned on the selected task.
To assign resources on multiple tasks:
- Go to your Project and to the Interactive Gantt view.
- Select one or more tasks and right-click in a cell.
- From the context menu, point to Resources > Assign a Resource.
- In the new pop-up, check the resource you want to assign for selected tasks. You can enter the allocation in Hr or %.
- Click Submit. The resource(s) are allocated to the task.
To replace a resource on many tasks at once:
- Go to your Project and to the Interactive Gantt view.
- Select one or more tasks and right-click in a cell.
- From the context menu, point to Resources > Replace a Resource.
- In thenew pop-up, for the Resource drop-down list, select a resource which you want to replace.
- In the By drop-down list, select the new resource you want to assign.
- Click Submit. The new resource is replaced on the task with the previous allocation.
To remove resources on tasks:
- Go to your Project and to the Interactive Gantt view.
- Click on the Resources column against the task whose resources you wish to remove.
- In the new pop-up, un-check the checkbox besides the resource OR clear the allocation against that resource and click OK. The resource is removed from the task.
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