Task Attributes

Task Attributes

  1. Basic tab 

    NameA short description of task describing its purpose.RW
    StartThe date at which the task is scheduled to start.RW
    FinishThe date at which the task is scheduled to finish.RW
    Manually ScheduledThe scheduling mode of the task i.e Auto or Manual. For details, refer here.RW
    DurationThe total span of active working time (Work put in) that is required to complete a task. This is generally the amount of working time from start to finish of the task. This field is visible if the option Manually Scheduled is unchecked.
    Planned EffortThe total hours of effort the resources is expected to work. You can enter work or is auto-calculated from the resources allocation. This field is visible if the option Manually Scheduled is unchecked.RW
    Schedule Type

    Fixed Work: If a task is Fixed Work, Celoxis automatically shrinks/grows the task’s finish date when a resource allocation is changed.
    Fixed Duration: If a task is Fixed Duration, Celoxis automatically shrinks/grows the resource’s allocation when task effort is increased/decreased.
    Fixed Units: If a task is Fixed Units, Celoxis automatically shrinks/grows the task efforts when task duration is increased/decreased.

    This field is visible if the option Manually Scheduled is unchecked.

    Constraint TypeFor more information on Constraint Type, please click here. This field is visible if the option Manually Scheduled is unchecked.RW
    Constraint DateFor more information on Constraint Type, please click here. This field is visible if the option Manually Scheduled is unchecked.RW
    PredecessorsFor more information on Predecessors / Dependencies, click here.RW
    SuccessorsThis is the task ID numbers for the successor tasks. A task must start or finish before successor tasks can start or finish. Each successor is linked to the task by a specific type of task dependency and a lead time or lag time.
    ResourcesFor more details, click here.RW

Advanced tab

% CompPercent complete indicates the percentage of total work that has been completed for that task. Project managers can view these updates done against each task and they can keep a track of the progress of all the tasks in a project. Depending on the current rate of progress, Celoxis automatically indicates the schedule health of a task using the RAG (Red/Amber/Green) signals which helps the managers take appropriate actions before it is too late.RW
PriorityIf team members are managing different types of tasks, then they need to prioritize which tasks should be given more priority over others. Therefore, setting task priorities helps you identify the tasks that require immediate attention or which can be attended a little later also. Celoxis allows you to prioritize tasks which range from 'Very High' to 'Very Low'. When you add a new task to a project, by default its priority is set to 'Normal'. You can change the priority of a task anytime during the course of the project.
  1. Tasks can be filtered by priority. This helps the task assignees get quick visibility when they work on a large number of tasks.
  2. You can decide which task is most important and needs immediate attention.
  3. Task priority may shift from quarter to quarter. Prioritizing helps you choose which tasks are needed, worthy and should continue.
Allow Time LoggingIt indicates if time can be filled against a particular task. By default it is checked.RW
Actual StartYou can select the date when you actually started working on the task. When entering a progress update, Celoxis by default populates it with the planned Start date.RW
Actual Finish

You can enter data in this field when updating the task progress (% and Comments).
Else, this field is automatically updated when you mark the task as 100% Complete with the below logic:

  • For task's finish date in past and you complete the task on a later date, then the Finish(Act) is populated with the Finish date i.e the past date.
  • For task's finish date in future and you complete the task on an earlier date, then the Finish(Act) is populated with today's date i.e the date when you complete the task.
  • For an ongoing task, the Finish(Act) is populated with today's date i.e the date when you complete the task.

If a task was previously marked 100% complete, and for some reason, you mark the task as complete again, then the Finish(Act) is updated again to reflect the new date with the above logic.

BudgetBefore you begin a task, you decide a certain amount which you would be spending in order to accomplish that task. This amount is your budget. Depending on the current rate of spending and % complete, Celoxis automatically indicates the budget health of a task using RAG (Red/Amber/Green) signals which helps the managers take appropriate actions before it is too late. The budget is also used to calculate the EVA (Earned Value Analysis) numbers.RW
Planned Non-labor CostBefore you start working on a task, there may be some expenditure involved in purchasing software or other task related material which is necessary to procure before you begin with the task. So, in order to estimate cost on such expenses incurred, Celoxis provides you with an estimated material cost for your tasks.RW
Fixed CostThis is the cost which will be incurred on a task regardless of who works on the task and for how long.RW

  1. Custom Fields tab
    For details, click here

  2. Details tab
    A detailed description of the task. You can include your notes, points here. 

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