Email Integration

Email Integration

Custom Apps can be initiated by emails. Emails can either be free form (sent by people) or structured (generated by filling a web form).

Direct Interface
This helps configure your app items so that they can be initiated by a simple email. Each custom app has a unique email address to which the email must be sent. A mail sent to this email address will trigger off the app item. For example you may have a Help-desk app that you wish to be triggered by a person sending mail to a specific email address. 

Indirect Interface
This helps you integrate an existing system  with one of your custom apps. For example you have a web based form on your web site that users fill and submit to initiate an App in Celoxis. 


Email Aliases

The emails generated in the Direct or Indirect email are long and not easy to remember. You would want your users/clients to be able to create app items by sending an email to a simple email address like bugs@acme.com OR todos@acme.com
You can achieve this by using Email aliases which is a user-friendly address instead of the long system generated addresses.
For SaaS user,

  • You need to create this user-friendly address on your Email servers.
  • Once, this is created, send this address to us with the system-generated email address.
  • We will then tell you the forwarder that you need to set for this on your email address.

This normally takes a day after which you can start using the email alias.

For On-Premise users, refer here.