Editing or Deleting Apps

Editing or Deleting Apps

To edit an App:

  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Custom Apps section, click on Apps.

  3. Click on the pencil-shaped icon to edit the specific app.
  4. Make the necessary changes and click on Save.

To delete an App:

  1. Login with a user with administrator privileges and click on Administration option under the user profile.
  2. Under the Custom Apps section, click on Apps.
  3. Click on the delete icon to delete the specific app.
  4. Confirm your deletion by clicking on the Yes, I understand the consequences and still want to delete checkbox and then click on Delete.

    This is a permanent action and cannot be undone. All the app items, time-entries, documents associated with this app will be delete and cannot be recovered.