Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

Earned Value Analysis (EVA)

Earned value analysis is an industry standard to measure a project’s progress, forecast its completion date and final cost, and provide schedule and budget variances along the path. It compares the planned amount of work with that of actually been completed to determine if the cost, schedule, and work accomplished are progressing as planned.

Earned Value Analysis helps the project manager in:

  • Identifying different measures of progress for different types of tasks.
  • Rolling up progress of many tasks into an overall project status.
  • Setting up a uniform unit of measure (currency or work hours).
  • Providing an ‘early warning’ signal for prompt and corrective actions.

To view Earned Value Analysis (EVA) status:

  1. Go to your Project.
  2. Create a project-specific Task report.
  3. In the Name* box, type the name of the report.
  4. Fill in the other details.
  5. In the Output section, from the available Columns, select the EVA columns. For instance, BCWS, ACWP etc.
  6. In the Sort By and Group By section, you can sort and group the columns and click Save. The selected columns are saved and displayed.

The EVA columns will be computed based on the baseline values. To view the EVA data, you need to set a baseline on the project/tasks.

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