EVA Columns

EVA Columns

The Earned Value Analysis data comprises of the following columns:

  1. Planned % Comp
    It is calculated based on the task's planned start and finish dates, and the current date. 
    For instance, if Task1 has 2 days duration (Friday and Monday) and if today is Monday morning then the Planned % Complete will be 50% as 8 working hours are passed (assuming default calendar). The hours passed depends on the server time.
  2. Actual Cost of Work Performed (ACWP)
    Displays the actual cost (Cost(Actual)) of work performed that has been done till date.
    This includes the labor cost, pro-rated Cost(Fixed) and costable expenses. 

  3. Budgeted Cost of Work Scheduled (BCWS)
    It is calculated using the duration of the task and the baseline cost.
    For example, a task starts on the 1st and gets over on the 10th of a month. If the budget is $1000, then on 3rd day, ideally 30% of the task should get completed and $300 should have been spent. Therefore, on the 3rd days the BCWS would be $300. 
  4. Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)
    It is calculated as (% Complete x Baseline Cost)
    Displays the budgeted cost of work performed. This is the planned (not actual) cost to complete the work to date. For instance, a project starts on the 1st and gets over on the 10th of a month. If the budget of the project is $1000 and if the user has actually completed only 20% of the task till 3rd then the BCWP will be $200.
  5. Schedule Variance
    It is calculated as (BCWP-BCWS)
    Displays a comparison between the work performed during a given period of time with what was planned. A negative variance means the project is behind schedule. 

  6.  Cost Variance
    It is calculated as (BCWP-ACWP)
    Displays a comparison between the budgeted cost of work performed with the actual cost. A negative variance means the project/task is over budget.

  7. Schedule Performance Index (SPI)
    It is calculated as (BCWP/BCWS)
    SPI less than 1 means project / task is behind schedule. 
  8. Cost Performance Index (CPI)
    It is calculated as (BCWP/ACWP )
    CPI less than 1 means project/task is over budget.

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