Time Concepts

Time Concepts

Celoxis allows users to enter the time spent performing activities on their tasks. Let us look at some basics of time sheets. 

  • Who can fill time – Any user who plays a role that has the "Add Time" privilege can fill time. For example
    • If you want your Task Team (resources assigned to a task) to be able to fill time, you should grant "Add Time" to the Task Team role. 
    • If you want resources to fill time on all tasks in a project, the grant the "Add Time" to the Project Team role. 
    • If you want anyone in your organization to be able to fill time on any tasks, even those not assigned to them, you can grant "Add Time" to the Staff role.
    • Celoxis also offers a "proxy" privilege which lets a user fill time on behalf of another user
  • Against what tasks – Anyone who has "View Tasks" and "View Project" privilege can see them in the drop down list when filling time
  • Against what time codes – You can define time codes to determine the various activities you wish to track. 
  • Non-project time – Celoxis lets you capture time spent on non-project activities like meetings, company events, etc.